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Client: Ulster Scots Agency

Campaign: Burns Night

Campaign message:

For the third year in a row the Ulster-Scots Agency ran a large scale promotional campaign to raise awareness of the Ulster connections to Robert Burns, and to promote a Burns Concert with the Ulster Orchestra. The campaign included the dressing of lamp posts within the city centre and displaying banners outside the Waterfront Hall; the venue for the concert.

The Ulster-Scots Agency found Suzanne Lea and her colleagues at Image Zoo to be creative, professional and supportive in helping us to devise a strategy for the city centre lamp post dressing; whilst having the flexibility to work with us to ensure the campaign was delivered within budget and the organisational skills to guarantee that it was implemented within the time frame determined.

Lamp posts in a selection of areas across the city centre were dressed throughout January. As a result the Ulster Orchestra and the Ulster-Scots Agency experienced a 60% increase in attendance numbers at the Burns Concert from the previous year’s Belfast concert.

Overall, the lamp post city dressing campaign was very effective and given the increase in attendance numbers at the Burns concert also represented very good value for money.

Gillian Pearson, Marketing Director, Ulster-Scots Agency

  • City Dressing

  • 86 sites, across 8 Belfast city centre’s busiest streets

  • C1-2, 2016

Image Zoo City Dressing - Ulster Scots
Image Zoo City Dressing - Ulster Scots
Image Zoo City Dressing - Ulster Scots
Image Zoo City Dressing - Ulster Scots
Image Zoo City Dressing - Ulster Scots
Image Zoo City Dressing - Ulster Scots


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